Hellooooo, SuperStars! Today, I introduce you all to my new post entry segments called ‘Woman of Wonder Wednesday’! This is a time where I pay homage to the women who serve, past and present. Today, I honor Specialist Frances M. Vega, one of the proudest Puerto Ricans I ever met, who fought in Operation Iraqi Freedom the exact time that I did. I met Specialist Vega in Baghdad, Iraq, and her charismatic spirit was unmatched; she never met a stranger. We did salsa together, ate Midnight Chow together, and were incredibly goofy at times!

Specialist Vega was stationed as a 42L with 151st Adjutant General Postal Detachment 3, who were a part of 13th Coscom out of Fort Hood, Texas. She joined the Army after high school, to follow in her father’s footsteps, who retired from the same branch. Specialist Vega spoke of plans to retire from the military as well after being inspired by seeing it done firsthand.

On November 2nd, 2003, the helicopter that Vega was in along with 15 other soldiers was gunned down by insurgents in al Fullujah. The helicopter was said to be transporting soldiers to the airport to be coming back to the States, there were only 43 miles away. Specialist Vega became the first female Puerto Rican to become a casualty of this war.

The post office in Camp Victory North, which is in Baghdad, is named after Specialist Vega. Also, the First Gate at Fort Buchanan Army Base in Puerto Rico was named the Frances M. Vega Gate. I will always honor Vega, even when my mind forces me to suppress thoughts that bring me sadness and makes my heart heavy. One thing that can never be replaced are the memories of our chance encounter.

Frances Vega never made it 21, and died with great HONOR for us and this country. She has earned the title Woman of Wonder!!!