In a world where one could write about soooo many things, (fashion, food, culture…guys), it all means nothing if the aspect of how we are all shaped as individuals is not discussed. My pen name is Ti’Phani Nicole, government is TIFFANY, but I changed it for more memorable quality. I created this blog for many reasons, but mainly to connect with women like me. Women who are serving or have served for their country, no matter where they live. I served in the US Army, and it played such a vital part in molding me from a care-free teenager to a paranoid adult. My experience changed the way I thought about my family, men in leadership positions, the military, and myself. Just life in general. I make a toast to all the ladies near and far, that have made and are still making, a sacrifice to their countries.

Fact: There is NOTHING average about us.

Join me on this journey as we celebrate ourselves, our families who support & sacrifice with us, and also the lives of the people who our military service has a direct impact on.

Salute to you.